What is HCV?

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides rent subsidies to families with low income in the form of Housing Choice Vouchers and Project Based Voucher Units. The Peoria Housing Authority administers the program for the Peoria County jurisdiction. The Voucher program allows PHA to pay rent subsidies directly to rental property owners on behalf of participant families. The family then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program. Any eligible person may apply for rental assistance with the Peoria Housing Authority’s HCV Program when the list is open. Selection will be determined by date and time received subject to the preferences claimed.

PHA is currently accepting applications for the following programs: Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), Non-Elderly Disabled (NED), Project Based (PBV)/ Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), Foster Youth to Independence (FYI), and Mainstream Vouchers. For more information on any of our Special Voucher Programs, please contact Denise Vaughn at 309-676-8736 ext. 14044.

In order to qualify for the Housing Choice Voucher Program an applicant must:
  • Qualify as an individual or family as defined by PHA
  • Head of household must be at least 18 years of age at the time of application or an emancipated minor by a court of competent jurisdiction, consistent with state law
  • At the time of application, annual family income cannot exceed the established income limits according to the maximum income by family size established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (USHUD)
  • Applicant and all family members must provide documentation of social security numbers or certify that they do not have social security numbers at the time of eligibility interview
  • Applicant and all family members must meet USHUD requirements on citizenship or immigration status
  • Applicant or any family member who currently owes rent or other amounts to any housing authority will not be eligible until the outstanding balance is paid in full

  Peoria Housing Authority’s Local Preferences Options
Per HUD regulations, PHAs are permitted to establish local preferences, and to give priority to serving families that meet those criteria. The Peoria Housing Authority’s local preferences are:
  • Local Resident: Must be a resident of Peoria County for twelve (12) consecutive months
  • Working: Must have been employed for six (6) consecutive months
  • Disability: Head of Household diagnosed with documented disability
  • Student: Must be able to provide documentation of full-time student status
  • Economic Self-Sufficiency Participant: Must be able to provide documentation of participation in an economic self-sufficiency program
  • Veteran: Head of Household or Spouse is a U.S. veteran
  • Homeless (Mainstream Vouchers Only): Member of the household (head, spouse or sole member) is non-elderly with a disability and transitioning out of institutional or other segregated setting, or at serious risk of institutionalization, or homeless or at risk of homelessness. The PHA will accept 100 applications with homeless preference


"Portability" refers to the process through which a family can transfer or "port" their voucher when they move to a location outside the jurisdiction of the location that first issued them the voucher through the Housing Choice Voucher program.

Note: New families may not port immediately; they must live in the jurisdiction of the initial PHA for at least one year before they can port.

Questions or interested in transferring to Peoria Housing Authority?

Please contact our Portability Specialist:
Denise Vaughn
309-676-8736 ext. 14044

How To Apply

  • Complete and submit an application
    • Applications can be obtained by:
      • Picking one up at the PHA Administrative Office located at 100 S Richard Pryor Place during office hours (8am- 5pm/CT)
      • Requesting one be mailed to you via telephone (309) 676-8736 ext. 14079
      • Tuesday: 2pm - 4:30pm
      • Thursday: 9am - 12pm
  • Return application in-person to the HCV Eligibility Clerk during HCV application office hours
    *Applications cannot be mailed in, dropped off, or left at the front desk and will not be accepted outside of the HCV Office Hours
  • At the time of application submission, the applicant will be interviewed by the HCV Eligibility Clerk who will review the application for completeness, accuracy and to confirm that all appropriate signatures have been obtained
  • When submitting an application please remember:
    • Allow time for an interview when your application is submitted
    • Make sure you have a fully completed application and have all required documents with you
      *If any documents are missing or the application is not complete, it cannot be processed by the PHA until the following HCV Office Hour day
  • Placement on the Waitlist
    • When you are added to the waitlist, you will be notified when your name comes to the top of the list or if we are updating our files
      • PLEASE NOTE: If you do not respond to a waitlist notification or if your letter is returned as undeliverable, your name will be removed from the waitlist and you will need to re-apply
      • If your address or contact information changes, it is your responsibility to notify the PHA in writing and submit the changes to our office in a timely manner.
      • To check your status on the waitlist please click here

  Required Documents
  • Certified birth records for ALL members of the household
    *Hospital copies will NOT be accepted
  • Social Security cards for ALL members of the household
  • Photo ID of ALL members 18 years of age and older
  • Proof of assets
    • Stocks, bonds, savings, real estate, checking, etc.
    • Documentation, as applicable, to verify assets
  • Proof of income for all members of the household including but not limited to:
    • Employment
      • Employer(s) name, mailing address, phone and fax number for verification
      • Five most recent and consecutive paycheck stubs
    • Pension, Social Security, SSI, etc.
      • Current award letter and/or documentation
    • Child support, TANF/Public Aid, or unemployment benefits
      • Documentation to verify amounts received
  • Other documents as applicable
    • Marriage license, divorce decree, official separation papers, custody papers,etc.

Landlord Information

We Invite YOU to Partner with US!

The Peoria Housing Authority Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is always in need of valuable partners to assist with housing families in our community. There are many advantages for you as an owner that we would like for you to consider:

  • The tenant choice is yours
  • Maximum upkeep of properties
  • Rent will be paid whether the family has income or not

If you would like more information and are interested in placing your home on the Housing Choice Voucher Program please contact:

HCV Landlord Liaison

  Obligations for Landlords
The role of the Landlord in the voucher program is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing to a tenant at a reasonable rent
  • The dwelling unit must pass the program's housing quality standards (HQS) and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives a housing assistance payment (HAP)
  • For more information about the HQS requirements, please refer to HUD’s A Good Place To Live
  • In addition, the landlord is expected to uphold the signed lease agreement with the tenant and the HAP Contract with PHA. You can read a Sample HUD-52641 HAP Contract here
  • PHA will complete a rent reasonableness study for every unit before the initial leasing can take place. This is done to ensure that the rent for your unit is reasonable compared to other similar units in the area

  Current Landlords
Thank you for your continued participation in the private Landlord program with the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. We appreciate your partnership! For access to the Landlord Payment Portal please click here

PHA's Homeownership Program

The Homeownership Program is a program designed to help families currently receiving assistance from the HCV Program. HUD has created the Homeownership Voucher Program in order for these families to have the ability to live out their dream of Homeownership.

The Homeownership Program allows the family to purchase a home while still receiving monthly assistance. In simple terms, instead of receiving monthly assistance to rent a property the assistance would be received to purchase a home.

The home buying process is long, confusing, and sometimes stressful however, the Homeownership Coordinator will provide assistance and resources every step of the way.

  Program Qualifications
  • - Must be on the HCV Program at the PHA for at least 1 year
  • - If not receiving SS/SSI, the household must make $15,000 or more a year annually
  • - Credit score must be 640 or higher (The higher the credit score, the better)
  • - Must have a savings account with $1,000 saved for down payment
  • - Complete the Home Buyers class though METEC
** These qualifications are just for the PHA’s Program. Please note: A bank is more than likely going to want to see a higher credit score and more money for a down payment


Is Peoria Housing Authority going to provide me with a loan to purchase a home?
No, The PHA is not a mortgage lender- We provide monthly assistance after your home is purchased.

Will the Peoria Housing Authority help assist with the purchase costs and/or loan qualifications?
The PHA does not provide monies for the purchase. The family will need to qualify and secure the mortgage loan on their own.

I don’t know where to start to get a home loan… Can Peoria Housing Authority help me find a good bank?
Absolutely! Your Homeownership Coordinator is able to assist with preparing to communicate with a bank regarding applying for home loan.

Does Peoria Housing Authority have any scholarships to help with down payments or closing fees?
Unfortunately, The PHA does not have funding available to assist with down-payments or closing costs.

Can I use the Homeownership Program to purchase a rent-to-own property?
No, if you are interested in a Rent-to-Own property, the PHA will not be able to assist through the Homeownership program.

How long does the home-buying process take?
The process for buying a home is a very long process. It can take several months to several years to meet the qualifications for homeownership. Our best advice: Please be patient and trust the process- Your Homeownership Coordinator will be with you every step of the way!

How can I get more information about the program?
To learn more or get started today, please contact our HCV FSS Coordinator, Cameryn Shafar. She can be reached by phone at 309-676-8736 ext. *14104 or by email at cshafar@peoriahousing.org.

  Success Stories
“All my life, I lived in apartments and rentals. I never thought I would be at a place where I could purchase my own home. But here I was at 64, buying my own home. Never in my life did I think I would do that. If I did not have the support of the HCV staff, I do not think I would have ever bought the house. But I did, and I have never been happier”
-Bernice, Homeowner since 2017